Thursday, March 7, 2013

We are not moving tomorrow

As many family and friends know, we've been waiting to move out-of-state for awhile. I started preparing mentally when my husband was in the final semester of school. We also started preparing our house by finishing up projects and beginning to pare down on our belongings. We gave away a lot and sold some on Amazon.

About a year ago my husband was able to apply for a job (that crazy process will probably require its own post), and after a nervous wait we finally found out which state we'd be moving to. As I mentioned in my last post, we then moved in with my parents, sold/gave away our little home business of making and selling soap, staged our house, and sold it. All that time, while we knew what state the job would be in, we didn't get to know where exactly it would be or when it would start. We held out for another long, anxious wait to get that news. Every day I expected a phone call or something in the mail. Finally, a couple weeks before Christmas, we got to find out. My husband would leave for an eight-week job training one-thousand three hundred seventy one miles away (yes, I checked) in January, and we'd all move to our final destination in March.
My husband called to tell me the news while I was at work. I was so excited, after I hung up the phone I yelled at the nurse's station, "My husband's leaving!!!" 

All has been going well since then, despite the obvious difficulties of being separated for the last 7 weeks. Before my husband left for training we got an apartment lined up in Manassas. In the last week, I resigned from my job, scheduled the lease-signing appointment and a uhaul truck, recruited helpers for moving and child-watching, and overall got the whole Operation Move set-up. This weekend was going to be it!
But, there's this little thing going on right now called sequestration. A lot of people are being affected by it, especially around where we live. If you're as under a rock as I am, it's some government and budget thing. You know, trying to figure out how to cut costs to make the country not so in debt. I probably could look up and read more about it, but I honestly don't care that much. I like a lot of things, but politics and government are not those things. At all.

Anyway, what it means for us is that the Federal Aviation Administration, who employs the air traffic controllers, has a list of smaller air traffic facilities that could be shut down, should they need to do that to save money. Or something like that. On Monday, my husband heard that of the class graduating the training academy (where he is) this week, those who were going to facilities on that potential shut-down list were transferred to new places instead. My husband's facility is on that "could be closed" list.

Now here's the fun part: No one knows if my husband's job will still be at the same place, or if it will be transferred. Not HR, not his soon-to-be manager, not the people at the training facility. Yey government! He graduates next week, so we assume they will get it figured out and, hopefully, inform him sometime within the next week. In the meantime, we decided it prudent to not go sign a lease and move into a place where we may or may not have jobs.

I'm getting used to the waiting and the anxious-unknown at this point. At first I was stressed about this all, especially since I had everything all ready to go. But, now that I've postponed the lease signing, cancelled the uhaul truck, and told friends to make other plans, it's not so bad. It'll be what it'll be. I'm a little worried about what I'm going to do next week, as I had planned to busy myself with unpacking boxes while I count down the days to getting to pick my husband up from the airport, but I'm sure I'll find something. Keep your fingers crossed that maybe we get sent somewhere cooler than originally planned!

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