Garden Bed B is in the center of the three, more or less in the middle
of the yard. It gets a bunch of morning sun, a bit of shade in mid
afternoon, and then late afternoon sun until dusk. It started like this on May 4th - 

Then I put the guinea pig cage stuff in the bottom.
Covered that with some grass clippings my friends L and G were lovely enough to scavenge for me from a relative's neighbor's curb (feeding a garden > rotting in a plastic bag).
Then the remains of a bag of topsoil.
And a big layer of scavenged native soil from the concrete. See the rest of the walkway and the patio showing up in the background?
Another bag of topsoil and a bag of garden soil massaged into the mix.
And then it got planted! In the front third I planted cucumber and sunflower seeds. In the middle third (divided by some zinnias) are tomatillos, and in the rear third (divided by more zinnias) are onions. I believe the onions are red cabernet onions, though there may be a mix in there, according to the wonderful woman from my fellowship, who gave me all these seedlings for free. Of course I, not knowing anything about anything, got 22 tomatillo plants, since there were tons and no one was taking them, only to find out later that they get as big and bushy as tomatoes. My mom, who has a green thumb and I actually trust to transplant, is going to try to take some when she comes to visit next weekend. Oh! And there are also some green onions in there which are growing quite happily from little butts of green onions that I saved from what I got at the grocery store and used in a recipe, and then randomly stuck in the ground.
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